About SCL

Who We Are

SCL is a registered educational charity and the leading UK organisation for those advising and practising within the tech law sector. Our mission is to inform and educate legal professionals and the wider audience on the impact of IT on law and legal practice through the promotion of best practice, thought leadership, and the fostering of a global tech law community.

SCL has an international membership made up of private practice and in-house IT lawyers, consultants, legal technologists, barristers, students, academics, and other tech law professionals.

Our tagline is 'tech law for everyone' and our core values are Education, Collaboration and Community.

What We Do

Events and Training

We provide unrivalled essential training on key tech law topics devised and delivered by experts in the field. From annual updates on Data Protection and IT Contracts, expert half-day masterclasses and conferences dedicated to AI and the Tech of Tech Law, through to networking events for trainees and students and our online informal conversation series, Tea & Tech - there really is something for everyone at every stage of their tech law career.

In addition to our yearly calendar of events, the SCL Tech Law Essentials is a rolling programme of seminars and content in key areas of practice that is consistently updated to ensure that new law and new problems are addressed, whilst ensuring that the enduring essential knowledge and skills tech lawyers need to gather and maintain throughout their careers are covered. And, finally, there is our flagship Annual Conference which will be a very special event this year as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary. It is a must-attend event for all those interested in law and technology looking to be part of the ever-expanding opportunity that a career in law and technology represents.

News and Editorial

Tech law is a fast-moving sector and it's important to stay up to date, so we present articles, news, blogs and insights from thought-leaders across the sector on our website, e-newsletters and our social media platforms. We also produce a bi-monthly C&L digital magazine and a monthly News Review packed with incisive and relevant content.

Our Community

SCL is proud to foster a thriving and supportive community of legal professionals who come together to share experience, ideas, and expertise. The Society is shaped by its members and the wider community and works hard to offer meaningful support at every career stage, from students to senior partners. Our special interest Groups ensure that relevant topics and important issues are represented and explored and are a fantastic way of getting more involved in the Society and supporting our work.

Our Initiatives

Over the years we have launched many exciting projects and taken part in many valuable collaborations with other organisations. Our key current initiatives include:

To find out more about this amazing community please visit scl.org.

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